You’re Invited to join WENA!
Below are a few benefits you’ll receive for your $25.00 (per household) annual membership dues.
- Join one of the largest and most established neighborhood associations in Fort Worth
- Vote on board members, budget and bylaws
- Email Newsletters updating you on neighborhood news, upcoming events and other important information
- Contribute to events we host for our neighborhood
- Meet great people!
Become a Member!
WENA Membership Price:$25 a year
or Print the membership form out and mail in your payment.
Make payable to “Wedgwood East Neighborhood Association”
Send to-
3317 Wayland Dr.
Fort Worth, TX 76133
Become a Volunteer!
Having a sense of community is very important to strengthening our friendships with other neighbors and protecting our property values. We are always looking for people to volunteer their time and skills to help improve our neighborhood and keep Wedgwood East a desirable place to live.
Food is Free Fort Worth
Food is Free Fort Worth is a community-based program that was created to help combat food insecurity in our city. This page serves as a resource where we share information on where one can find free food in and around the city. Join Here