Article 1—Name and Purposes

Section 1: The name of the Association shall be Wedgwood East Neighborhood Association.

Section 2: The Association shall be non-profit and perpetual in duration.

Section 3: The purpose of the Association shall be to inform, preserve, protect, beautify, and represent the best interest of all Wedgwood in the Wedgwood and South Hills subdivisions within the boundaries designated as Wedgwood East Neighborhood Association by the city of Fort Worth, Texas.

Article 2—Geographical Area Section

1: WENA is the neighborhood association representing those residents within the following boundaries: North–I-20; South–Altamesa Blvd.; West–Trail Lake/Woodway Dr.; and East–Westcreek Dr./McCart Ave.

Article 3—Membership Association membership shall consist of each residence, house or apartment, or business within the designated boundaries whose dues are paid and current, with one vote per residence or business. Individuals who have sold their homes, but maintained their mineral rights may also be members, but with no voting rights.

Article 4—Officers

Section 1: The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-president, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, and a Treasurer. Immediate Past President will serve as a non-voting officer for one year in hopes of transitioning one term of Board Officers to next consistent, with little interruption to Association Procedures and membership.

Section 2: Officers shall be elected for a term of two years. They may serve two consecutive terms.

Section 3: A member is elected if he or she has a majority vote of the members present at the meeting or the members who have placed their votes by the election date.

Article 5—Officer Elections

Section 1: Nominations for officers shall be made by a nominating committee of at least five (5) members elected by the Board of Directors.

Section 2: The committee will consist of not more than three (3) members from the board and two (2) or more members at-large from the current membership

Section 3: The Nominating Committee membership shall be announced and introduced at the first meeting of the year with nominations invited from the membership.

Section 4: The committee will meet to elect a chairperson and to prepare a slate of officers.

Section 5: Officers serving unexpired terms may be considered by the Nomination Committee for election for a full term.

Section 6: The proposed slate of officers will be announced to the membership via email notification prior to the election at the second meeting of the year. Nominations may be made from the floor at the general membership meeting.

Section 7: Officers shall normally be elected at the second regular Association meeting of the year and complete their terms with the election of a new slate of officers.

Section 8: All vacancies in office, except that of President, shall be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired term. Upon resignation of the President, a Nominating Committee shall be elected by the Board of Directors to select a nominee to fill the unexpired term.

Article 6—Officer’s Duties

Section 1: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association, call special meetings, appoint committee chairpersons and special committees as necessity arises, be an ex-official member of all committees, and act as a liaison to community programs. The President shall also be a joint signer on the Association’s financial accounts and receive any and all banking and/or vendor correspondence, including monthly bank account statements at home address. al statements, invoices, and vendor correspondence are to be shared with the Treasurer on a monthly basis and to be stored on cloud storage owned by association and managed by at least two appointed officers, including the President.

Section 2: The Vice-president shall perform all duties of the President in his or her absence including being in charge of programs and publicity for the Association, maintain digital files and any cloud storage access, and maintain accuracy of current neighborhood website for accuracy and relevancy.

Section 3: The Recording Secretary shall record and transcribe minutes of all meetings and maintain digital files and any cloud storage access.

Section 4: The Corresponding Secretary’s office will manage the membership database and correspond with members, businesses, and other associations as needed as well as maintain digital files and any cloud storage access.

Section 5: The Treasurer shall receive, disburse, and report all monies of the Association, keeping an accurate record of all transactions, and maintain digital files and any cloud storage access. A financial report will be available at all board meetings and to all members at each general meeting. An annual budget will be presented to the board and to all members at the first meeting of each year.

Section 6: Immediate Past President shall be available for Incoming Board Members for their first 12 months of Incoming Board’s term. Be available to attend first general membership meetings and at least one Board meeting of new officers if requested by incoming officers. Share all banking/vendor information to incoming President, complete with account numbers and passwords within first 7 days of transition of term of office.

Article 7—Board of Directors

Section 1: The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers, the chairpersons of committees, and other members who may be named at-large by the members of the Board.

Section 2: The Board of Directors shall meet a minimum of twice a year. Section 3: The chairpersons of committees shall be appointed by the President of the Association or elected by the committees. Committees will meet as needed and present a report, either written or oral, to the Board.

Article 8—Public Information

Section 1: A bi-monthly Bulletin published and sent via email to all members and posted neighborhood website and on available social media sites where deemed appropriate. Additional hard copies will always be made available at general membership meetings upon request.

Article 9—Committees

Section 1: The chairpersons of committees shall be appointed by the President of the Association with Board approval or elected by the committees themselves. Committees will meet as needed and present a report, either written or oral, to the Board.

Section 2: The Membership Committee shall promote membership in the Association.

Section 3: The Beautification Committee shall be responsible for the projects which encourage the improvement and attractiveness of the neighborhood.

Section 4: The Hospitality Committee shall provide refreshments for Association meetings as needed. It will also co-ordinate activities such as a welcome packet to introduce new members and residents to the neighborhood. Section 5: Crime Watch and Public Safety Committee shall work with Fort Worth Police Department Community Liaisons and/or neighborhood patrol officers to inform neighbors of available programs and news relevant to Wedgwood East. Section 6: Other committees may be added as deemed necessary by the Board.

Article 10—Meetings

Section 1: The Association shall have a minimum of four (4) meetings per year open to the entire membership, and members shall be notified in advance of each meeting.

Section 2: Special meetings or social events may be called by the Board of Directors.

Article 11—Dues

Section 1: Annual dues payable to the Wedgwood East Neighborhood Association (WENA) shall be set by the Board of Directors.

Section 2: Dues are renewable on the anniversary date of the year following the last payment.

Section 3: Dues are not refundable.

Article 12—Parliamentary Authority

Section 1: On all points not covered by these bylaws Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for the Association.

Article 13—Amendments

Section 1: Proposed changes in the bylaws shall first be approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 2: The proposed amendments will then be made available by email to all members in good standing at time of proposed amendments.

Section 3: The proposed amendments shall then be approved at the next general membership meeting by a 2/3 vote of the membership present.

Article 14—Policy Section 1: The Association shall have a committee to review the financial records on an annual basis and report to the Board of Directors.